Hampden Park Ward Councillors
Your Hampden Park ward Liberal Democrat councillors on Eastbourne Borough Council, and East Sussex County Council, are;
Councillor Jim Murray
Councillor Murray represents Eastbourne Hampden Park Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council and is the Chair of the Planning Committee.
Email: Councillor.Murray@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Murray's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Teri Sayers-Cooper
Councillor Sayers-Cooper represents Eastbourne Hampden Park Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council.
Email: councillor.sayers-cooper@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Cooper's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Colin Swansborough
Councillor Swansborough represents Eastbourne Hampden Park Ward on both Eastbourne Borough Council and East Sussex County Council. On Eastbourne Borough Council he is the Lead Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Heritage Assets, Place Services and Special Projects, and is the Chair of the Audit Committee on East Sussex County Council.
Email: Councillor.Swansborough@eastbourne.gov.uk
Email: cllr.colin.swansborough@eastsussex.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Sansborough's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council
Link to: Councillor Swansborough's webpage on East Sussex County Council