Old Town Ward Councillors
Your Old Town ward Liberal Democrat councillors on Eastbourne Borough Council, and East Sussex County Council, are;
Councillor Peter Diplock
Councillor Diplock represents Eastbourne Old Town Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council and is the Lead Cabinet member for Disabilities and Community Safety.
Email: Councillor.Diplock@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Diplock's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Amanda Morris
Councillor Morris represents Eastbourne Old Town Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council, is Chair of the Licensing Committee, and is the Deputy Mayor of Eastbourne.
Email: Councillor.Morris@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Morris's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Ali Dehdashty
Councillor Dehdashty represents Eastbourne Old Town Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council.
Email: councillor.dehdashty@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Dehdashty's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor John Ungar
Councillor Ungar represents Eastbourne Old Town Ward on East Sussex County Council.
Email: cllr.john.ungar@eastsussex.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Ungar's webpage on East Sussex County Council