Upperton Ward Councillors
Your Upperton ward Liberal Democrat councillors on Eastbourne Borough Council, and East Sussex County Council, are;
Councillor Pat Rodohan
Councillor Rodohan represents Eastbourne Upperton Ward on both Eastbourne Borough Council and East Sussex County Council.
Email: Councillor.Rodohan@eastbourne.gov.uk
Email: cllr.pat.rodohan@eastsussex.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Rodohan's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council
Link to: Councillor Rodohan's webpage on East Sussex County Council

Councillor Kathy Ballard
Councillor Ballard represents Eastbourne Upperton Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council.
Email: councillor.ballard@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Ballard's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Robin Maxted
Councillor Maxted represents Eastbourne Upperton Ward on Eastbourne Borough Council and is the Chair of Audit and Governance & Licensing Committee.
Email: Councillor.Maxted@eastbourne.gov.uk
Link to: Councillor Maxted's webpage on Eastbourne Borough Council